Funemployment Trivia for 11 February

While I’m off work, I’m keeping a hand in the game with five trivia questions and answers each weekday.

  1. What genericized trademark is often used by speakers of British English to mean “vacuum cleaner” and “vacuum-clean”?
  2. It’s the number of Pillars of Islam, of Sacred Wounds of Christ, of the Faces of Shiva, of Books of Moses. What is it?
  3. Mongolians traditionally ferment airag (or “koumiss”), their national beverage, from the milk of what versatile animal?
  4. The first modern Olympic Games were held, appropriately, in Athens. What city—a 2,900-km torch relay from Athens—hosted the second games? The city in question predominately speaks one of the two official languages of the Olympics.
  5. The first cultivated variety of coffee bean is named for what Yemeni port city?

Answers here. Warning: So far, all of the answers are on the same page, so if you haven’t played the previous days’ questions, be careful where you scroll.

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